Our future will either be green, or not at all
JTL well understands the legal and moral requirements to achieve minimal environmental impacts of forestry activity while balancing the cost implications for forest owners.
Key to environmental care is the ability to utilise natural features and manage water flow during road construction and harvesting activity. JTL assumes responsibility for the overall environmental performance of the forestry and associated roading operations.
All roading will comply with the New Zealand Forest Owners Association Environmental Code of Compliance, and the New Zealand Forest Road Engineering Manual and the relevant Regional or District Councils will be fully engaged with regard to compliance regulations and the meeting of those regulations. A copy of the JTL Environmental Policy is available on request.
National Environmental Standards – Plantation Forestry
On 1 May 2018 the new National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) took effect which replaced the Regional Council plans. The NES, as its name suggests, is a National Standard for harvesting and roading operations and regulations are based on soil Erosion Susceptibility Classes (ESC) for the area in question.
As part of our standard process JTL will overlay the ESC categories on the harvest plan map and undertake the required compliance conditions as regulated by the NES.
Please contact us if you have any questions relating to the NES and your forest.