Health & Safety
Our first priority is to ensure our people go home safely at the end of each working day
Health and safety forms a key strategic pillar of the JTL business model to ensure that our people are not just technically safe, but actually safe.
Our Health & Safety policy addresses best practice around the physical and emotional well-being of staff and primary contractors.
In-house Health & Safety Managers, Dennis Kelly & Rob Hancock, oversee all aspects of health and safety within the business and work closely with contractors to ensure their health and safety practices are robust and fully compliant with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, MBIE’s Approved Code of Practise for Safety and Health in Forest Operations (Worksafe NZ), and the Forest Owners Policies and Direction on Safety and Health.
Dennis and Rob have 30 years and 13 years’ experience respectively in forest harvesting and are also registered Trainer/Assessors for the Forestry Training Organisation (Competenz).